Drudge Maple Syrup

The Drudge family farm has 7600 tap and maple syrup is made in March and early April. When the sap comes from the Maple tree, it is clear, like water. It takes about 50 litres of sap to make 1 litre of Maple Syrup. This process takes a tremendous amount of evaporation. Drudge Family Farm uses plastic lines to collect the sap, and boil it in a wood-fired evaporator. The Syrup is boiled to 219 F. and tested by hydrotherm for correct density, then strained and sealed hot in containers
Drudge maple syrup is a top quality product, based on the experiences of two centuries of Maple Syrup production in Canada. The Drudge family has been making Maple Syrup in Canada continuously, since 1797. When their ancestors came to Ontario, they made Maple Syrup because it was their only source of sugar. They bought land from the Crown, cleared the land and built barns and houses. The Drudge’s grandsons are now the ninth generation of their family to make Maple Syrup in Ontario.
We are happy to partner with Drudge Family Farm and offer their product in a 4 Litre plastic jug, 2Litre glass or plastic jug, 1 Litre glass or plastic jug , 500ml glass or plastic jug, 250 ml plastic jug and 100ml mini plastic jug. Is season we also have their hard maple sugar candy and maple sugar.
Absolutely Pure Honey

Did you know that unpasteurized honey is the only food that never goes bad? When the Egyptian mummies were discovered they also found honey, and though it was crystalized, all it needed was to be warmed up and it was good as new. We have many hives on the farm for pollinating our crops. Without honeybees we would not get pumpkins, squash, zucchinis, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant and more. The farms we partner with also need bees to pollinate their blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and honeybees also pollinate the fruit tree blossoms so that there are apples, peaches, plums, grapes.
Honey has many beneficial properties, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, a teaspoon of honey a day helps. I eat it from the spoon, or on a cracker or on toast with peanut butter. If you put honey in your tea, make sure your tea isn’t too hot, basically, the hotter you heat honey, the more potential for reducing it’s nutritional value.
In our market we offer 2 sizes of summer honey, and 2 sizes of raw honey, and when available we also have honeycomb. Our beekeeper is John Snape, and he has been keeping bees on the farm for many, many years.

Kountry Kitchen Cupboard Jams, Jellies, Pickles & Preserves
Nancy Gingrich, an Old Order Mennonite who lives east of Elmira, Ontario, near the small town of West Montrose, with other women from her horse and buggy Mennonite community, prepares small batches of all kinds of jams, jellies, relishes, pickles and more from traditional Mennonite recipes.
Nancy grows much of her own fruits and vegetables in her enormous garden, and supports local fruit and vegetable growers as well. I have known Nancy for years, back in the day, we went to the same high school together. It truly is a small world. To pick up her products, I am happy to drive to her location and load up my car. With no added preservatives and farm-fresh ingredients each jar has tremendous flavour and you can taste the difference.
We are happy to stock a full selection of Kountry Kitchen Cupboard products.