What's new at Round the Bend Farm
2025 CSA Program
Wondering if there is a local source of fresh produce this growing season? There is! We are a local York Region, King Township farm, growing fresh vegetables and fruits and supporting other local farms for things we do not grow. It may be winter but we are preparing for the
February 2025!
As we near the middle of February, we look forward to Spring, sunshine and longer days. We are excited for the arrival of new animal babies. The sheep and goats and cows and rabbits are all due to birth by the beginning of April. The duck and chicken and goose
Round The Bend Farm is a working family farm open to schools and families for Spring visits.With hands-on activities, children learn about animals, plants, soil, bees, and more. RTBF welcomes teachers, parents and children to experience the farm, first hand, using your 5 senses.👨👨👦👦Visit the learning stations, explore the activity